Ex-Patriots Upset Over 'Dynasty' Documentary Portrayals

Former Patriots are coming out against the 'Dynasty' documentary.
Feb 06, 2005; Jacksonville, FL, USA; New England safety Rodney Harrison (37) celebrates his
Feb 06, 2005; Jacksonville, FL, USA; New England safety Rodney Harrison (37) celebrates his / USA TODAY Sports

A documentary obsessed with controversies has ironically found itself engulfed in controversy.

Anticipating a much rosier perspective from "The Dynasty" on New England's unprecedented 20-year dynasty run that brought six Super Bowl titles to Foxborough, Patriots fans have largely found themselves disappointed in the narrative that director Matt Hamachek spins in the 10-part series.

Well, apparently, the disappointment in the narrative spun by Hamachek isn't limited to the fanbase. Speaking on Tuesday, former Patriots cornerstones Devin McCourty and Rodney Harrison expressed some frustration over their portrayal in the documentary. McCourty and Harrison have five Super Bowl rings between them.

Ex-Patriots Upset Over 'Dynasty' Documentary

Rodney Harrison spoke on how he interviewed for five hours with the producers of "The Dynasty", but the production team omitted much of his interview and isolated the negative elements of Harrison's responses. McCourty echoed a similar sentiment, stating that he felt "duped" by how his comments were presented in the series.

"[I felt like] this is gonna be great...like the storytelling, we're talking about this, we're talking about that. Everything that we all gave to the 20 years that it encompassed, they only hit anything that was negative. Hey, we won at a high level and the guys stayed there. I could have left two times, but I signed back. There are reasons for that."

Devin McCourty on "The Dynasty"

The documentary has been largely perceived as a "hit piece" on the 24-year head coach and de facto general manager Bill Belichick, a perception that was echoed by NFL Films. Reportedly, NFL Films was displeased with the portrayal of Bill Belichick in the series and chose to disassociate itself from director Matthew Hamachek's project.

Harrison, who played six seasons for Belichick in New England, also expressed displeasure with the portrayal of Belichick, coming to his former head coach's defense:

"I just don't think that he got enough credit, enough respect, enough props. This dude is the greatest coach of all time."

Harrison on portrayal of Belichick

The story of the two decades covered in the documentary is largely understood to be told through the lens of owner Robert Kraft, a belief that is not helped by "Kraft Dynasty LLC 2024" holding the copyright for the production. Hamachek defiantly pushed back against this suggestion, stating that there is "no great conspiracy where the Krafts are behind the scenes” and that the Krafts had “no editorial control” over the documentary, an assertion that many Patriots fans are calling B.S. on.

The 10 episode documentary is now available in full on Apple TV.

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