Boston Celtics: Jayson Tatum’s 3 keys to success in 2019-20 NBA season

CANTON, MASSACHUSETTS - SEPTEMBER 30: Jayson Tatum #0 looks on during Celtics Media Day at High Output Studios on September 30, 2019 in Canton, Massachusetts. (Photo by Maddie Meyer/Getty Images)
CANTON, MASSACHUSETTS - SEPTEMBER 30: Jayson Tatum #0 looks on during Celtics Media Day at High Output Studios on September 30, 2019 in Canton, Massachusetts. (Photo by Maddie Meyer/Getty Images) /
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Boston Celtics Jayson Tatum (Photo by Harry How/Getty Images)
Boston Celtics Jayson Tatum (Photo by Harry How/Getty Images) /

Keep growing

Along with growth physically, Jayson Tatum has to continue to grow mentally and in that become more of a leader on and off the court.

Though just 21 years of age, Tatum is suddenly one of the Boston Celtics players with the most experience in the system.  Not only has he experienced the high success of the team like he did in his rookie season, he has also experienced the team’s drama when things didn’t work out.

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That right there should be a benefit for a young player with extreme talent.  Seeing how hard work leads to success will certainly keep him humble and growing as a basketball player on and off the court.

Although he suffered a sprain ankle, his experience playing for Team USA in the FIBA Basketball World Cup 2019 competition should also help his growth as a player.

Not to take anything away from Brad Stevens but being coached by Gregg Popovich during that time is also a value to Jayson Tatum.

"“The thing I talked about with Pop a lot was being able to dominate and have an impact on the game without necessarily scoring,” Tatum said during Media Day, as transcribed by WEEI.  “Everybody has off nights, but how can you still find a way to be super dominant and affect the game in a positive way.  And just making quicker decisions, playing faster, just getting to the basket more and not trying to settle.”"

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Having an impact on the game without scoring will definitely factor into his success this upcoming season as well as the overall success of the Boston Celtics.

In summary, Jayson Tatum has to keep growing even when he feels he has reached the height of his potential.  In other words, he can’t settle.