New England Patriots: 3 bold predictions for Stephon Gilmore in 2019

New England Patriots Stephon Gilmore (Photo by Maddie Meyer/Getty Images)
New England Patriots Stephon Gilmore (Photo by Maddie Meyer/Getty Images) /
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New England Patriots Stephon Gilmore (Photo by Jeff Zelevansky/Getty Images)
New England Patriots Stephon Gilmore (Photo by Jeff Zelevansky/Getty Images) /

A pick-six in a big game

The one thing Stephon Gilmore hasn’t done yet in a New England Patriots uniform is take an interception back to the house.

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That will come in 2019.

Although many quarterbacks will shy away from Gilmore, the increased pass rush of the Patriots front seven will force some rushed passes and the All-Pro cornerback will be there to cleanup.  I predict that will happen in one of the team’s nationally televised games which will solidify “Gilmore’s Island” on the map of elite corners in the NFL.

Along with a pick-six in a big game, the amount of interceptions for Stephon Gilmore will increase in 2019 because of the man he practices against.

That’s right.

Going up against the great Tom Brady in practice is what Gilmore himself attributes to his improved play over his first two seasons with the New England Patriots.

"“It’s helped me out a lot,” Gilmore said, as transcribed by  “Just seeing his work ethic coming out here each and every day, making everybody better.  I mean, he throws a great ball, so if you’re in the position to make a play on his ball, you can pretty much make a play on anybody’s ball.  You know, we’re just trying to compete and get better each and every day just like everybody else.”"

That work ethic is certainly paying off for a player who was just trying to find his way on the team just two seasons ago.